General FAQs
Do I need a boat to join?
No, many members don’t have a boat and in fact they enjoy boating with other members who are more than happy to have you on board.
Can I join as a social member?
Absolutely, there is no requirement to be a ‘FishO’ as many members enjoy the social scene and activities throughout the year.
Are there fishing boundaries?
Yes, this to ensure all members of all angling ability and access can get amongst the fish and compete for the trophies at the end of the season.
Can anyone nominate to on the committee?
Pretty much so long as you are 18 years and older.
What type of social activities do club members do?
Club members enjoy many different parts of life and to share that with other club members, our Social Coordinator ensures we have a broad mix of activities throughout the year such as: trips to wineries, fishing expos, camping and caravanning holidays, river boat cruises, shopping trips, golf days, Endeavour Christmas day BBQ and boat cruise.
As club members can we fish the Easter Fishing Classic?
Juniors and seniors over 70 years can fish in the Easter Classic, All other members are required to volunteer their time to helping run the one fundraising for the club each year and it’s a BLAST!