Supporting our Community
The Burrum Heads Amateur Fishing Club is more than just a group of ‘Fish-o-Holics'. Members enjoy BBQ's held every 3 weeks at the clubhouse, enabling members to catch up and socialize, a core element of the success of the club. There is a wide range of social activities for members to enjoy, including camping trips to hinterland lakes and beaches, winery and shopping tours.
Achievements & Community Contributions:
We take enormous pride in our ability to support the community across a diverse range of projects to enhance the local lifestyle, whilst ensuring a wonderful experience for visitors to our idyllic village.
The 25-year history of the Easter Fishing Classic, rated as one of the top events in the Fraser Coast, stands as a testament to the contribution of our enthusiastic members. As a result, we were very proud to be presented with the 2009 Fraser Coast Australia Day Community Event Award.
After continued lobbying for a new boat ramp in Burrum Heads, we were proud to see our efforts come to fruition in 2016 when building commenced. It is a great asset to the community.
Community Donations over the Years include:
$10,000 to the Hervey Bay Council to lay turf, foot paths, gardens, lighting on the event site at Lions Park
$4,000 to a local boy suffering serious heart condition, to allow his family to travel to Melbourne to receive vital treatment
$3000 to the local Ambulance Service for equipment
$3,000 to Burrum Heads SES
$2,000 to Burrum Heads SES to build new facilities, club members donated their time to assist in the building process
$1000 to15-year-old Grace Riley to attend Calgary 2012 Outrigging World Championships
$500 to the Cancer Council in memory of the President of Toogoom Fishing Club
$500 annually to Bjelke Petersen, Monduran, and Boondoomba Dams prior to freshwater licenses, to support the restocking of fingerlings in all dams
$500 for trophies for the Torbanlea Soccer Club
$500 to Wildlife Rescue for transportation of injured animals
$500 annually to Burrum Heads SES
$500 to the Outriggers Club for purchase of paddles
$500 to Howard Primary School
$250 to the Bushfire Appeal in 2009
the building of two rotundas on the event site at Lions Park
purchase of trolley and books for the Howard Ambulance Service
Rural Fire Brigade in recognition of their continued hard work
jointly run the annual Endeavour Foundations Christmas boat ride and BBQ, members donate their time and boats with the club funding the food and fuel
annual donation for the Tombola at the Burrum Heads Christian church
purchase meat trays annually for the local Anzac Day march
lend resources and volunteers to the annual Progress Association Christmas Party